Does your portfolio have any of the below issues?
A scattered portfolio with too many schemes
Portfolio returns below average market returns
The portfolio is unattended for a long period
Need a neutral advice
You do not have an advisor
You want to allocate fresh money
An event, which requires realignment of your portfolio
If the answer is yes, then fill out the below to unlock peace of mind.
How do I get my CAS PDF?
You can get your CAS generated via CDSL, NSDL, AMFI, or CAMS. For explanation purposes, we are considering CAMS as an example.
We will now direct you to the secure website of CAMS from where you can generate a statement. Click Here
(Refer the sample landing page below)In the options there, select 'Detailed Statement', 'Specific Period' and enter the 'to and from date'.
Fill in you registered email ID and give a password to open the PDF document. Once you enter this, a PDF will be emailed to you.
(Please note that only the investments in which your email ID is registered, will be part of the CAS statement)Get the PDF from your inbox, and come back here to upload it on the above place.
If you already have a CAS statement, upload the same in the above place and ignore the steps mentioned.